Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Band Profile

When naming the band of put on the front cover, I tried to give my band a name that would fit the criteria for my target audience, I wanted a band name that you could imagine having seeing at the top of the bill at Glastonbury. I wanted the name to have a meaning behind it, a band to bring back 'proper' guitar music back to the country and take away the electro/'quiff indie' from the frotn covers of magazine, and from their sell out gigs.

Obviously with the band I'm trying to create, the band new band based on iconic bands of the past, 'The Clash' 'The Jam' and 'The Who' but with a difference that none of these bands had. I decided that my band have a name that expresses they're the new people on the scene. For instance I want to give the band a name so that when they first came onto the scene it would almost feel as though music had been given a reincartion, such as what The Strokes did 10 years back. This is when I thought of the name 'Renaissance' and the reason for this is because the world can mean that something had had a re-birth, therefore by naming my cover band 'Renaissance' it portrays the image that the band are going to a forefront a new era of music.

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